Valentine’s Day for One Please!

shutterstock_114016054Eventually you will come to realize that love heals everything, and love is all there is. ~ Gary Zukav

Does the thought of being single on Valentine’s Day bring up groans and feelings of loneliness or cynicism?

Don’t let it.

Valentine’s Day is a great day to celebrate romance and who better to profess your love to, than yourself!

Here are a few ideas to mark this day of love, romancing the most amazing person you know-YOU! Isn’t it time you showed yourself the kindness you show others?

  1. Buy yourself the largest bouquet of flowers you can afford.
  2. Treat yourself to some really decadent chocolates.
  3. Eat your favourite foods.
  4. Get a manicure or a massage.
  5. Light candles and put on your favourite music. Dance party for one!
  6. Spend time with people who lift you up.
  7. Take a nap.
  8. Soak in a bubble bath.
  9. Write yourself a love letter. Tell yourself all the reasons you are amazing.
  10. Indulge in some self-pleasuring. Besides the fact that orgasms feel soo good, orgasms also help build immunity, help you look younger and improve your happiness.

Do the things that feel most loving to you this Valentine’s Day and you may change how you feel about this day of love.

With love and light,
