As busy moms we often sacrifice our desires and the calling of our heart, to meet the needs of our family, work, and other commitments. And while we are happy to do it for a while, at some point we begin to feel it’s not enough anymore
If you’re feeling tired, discouraged or frustrated with life you are being called by your soul to realign to your passions- to use your natural talents and gifts to create something unique -just for you!

When your soul is on fire you will feel unstoppable, excited and fuelled with creativity. Life will feel fun almost effortless. And those challenges that you have been feeling overwhelmed with begin to fade into the background just because you are so darn happy!
Are you ready to redisover your passions?
When you sign up for the Passion Project Challenge, you’ll receive:
- A daily email with prompts and guidance on starting your first passion project so you can live a juicier, passionate life
- A daily passion worksheet to help you complete the exercises and take action and move towards the goals that light you up
- A passion meditation to get in the right mindset to discover what truly lights you up
- A juicy passion playlist to help you uncover and recover your passions, have FUN and dance it out!
- Affirmations to remind yourself that YES, you are worthy of a happy, passionate life – one that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning!
Are you ready to feel unstoppable?
Yes, you could put it off until tomorrow but starting today, is the perfect time to start.
You aren’t here by accident.
You were being nudged by your soul to do more than just push through each day. It’s time for you to be excited about life again.

All you have to do is commit to taking the first step by signing up for the challenge.
I hope you’ll join me.