How To Survive Failure

How To Survive Failure

Have you ever experienced failure?

What did you do when those feeling of failure surfaced?

Did you quit? Keep pushing blindly forward? Change course?

I’ve experienced many failures over my two decades of running my own business. Failing is part of being an entrepreneur. You take risks and sometimes they work, but sometimes they don’t.

At the start of the year, I launched a new coaching program. The participants said that the course was “transforming” and “powerful”. So I couldn’t figure out the missing piece that would cause a second run of the program to flop. Not one person registered for my summer program. Not a soul!

I could have been upset that the launch failed and given up. But that would have made it about me – not my purpose.

While giving up wasn’t an option, choosing to surrender was. This is what surrender looked like for me:

  • I realigned to my inner guide through meditation and let her lead the way.
  • I gave myself permission to stop pushing to create the “perfect’ online group program.
  • I promised myself that if ideas percolated I would give them space to develop before taking action.
  • I turned my focus back on my 1:1 clients.
  • I reminded myself of all the abundance that I had already manifested.

In this space of surrendering wonderful magical things begin to happen – and quickly!

  • I had a powerful conversation with conference attendees about women and passion projects.
  • A discovery call with a potential client led to talking about side hustles for moms.
  • A private coaching client asked for help with a new book-writing project.

Ideas were brewing…

As I did some research around my new business idea I had an epiphany! Almost 100% of my past and current clients were moms who had either just started a heart-based business or wanted to launch a small business or creative project.

So why had my program failed? I had clients.

What I didn’t have was trust.

I hadn’t trusted my instincts or my own talents.

While my new program had resonated with a few it didn’t hit home with the majority in my community. I had let fear and self-doubt pull me in a direction that I thought was marketable instead of honouring my heart’s knowing. (When I opened my first business plan that I created in 2011 I was shocked to discover that what I was now contemplating, was actually my first vision). With this knowledge, I felt powerful. Aligned. Ignited!

This fall you are going to see new offerings as I pivot my business to meet the growing need of women who want to launch passion projects and side hustles.

To do this I am combining two decades of experience as a solo (and soul) entrepreneur with a few of the things I am most passionate about: mindset mastery, meditation and financial abundance. You will see new resources and programs that are going to ignite your courage to unleash your own dreams into the world.

I’m sharing my failure because I believe that there is as much to learn (probably more) when you stumble and fall, than when you fly.

The next time you feel like you have failed I invite you to look at the experience through a different lens. What is the lesson to learn? Can you pivot your business or your life and create the success you desire in a new way? Can you surrender to your inner knowing?

Keep your eye on your mailbox this September for exciting tools to help you live a passionate and abundant life. You will be the first to know!

With BIG love,